

The environment, with its ancient fruit-growing tradition, is ideal for cultivating delicacies such as the Gray Renetta of Torriana, a variety of apple typical of the province of Turin. The temperate-cold climate focuses our cultivation on the production of apples, kiwis, and other small fruits.
Our great passion and ambition to offer new products have led us to create a laboratory where we artisanally process a part of our fruit into jams and fruit juices.
We also consider fruits cultivated by local companies as our own, with whom we have implemented supply chain projects and collaborations. We personally know the owners who manage these activities and are aware of the dedication and attention they devote to the fruits and the environment.




There are over 7,000 types of apples in the world, although not all varieties are edible. Apples have many properties: they are refreshing, digestive, and diuretic. Furthermore, the peel is an excellent natural teeth whitener.
Curiosity: The ideal way to keep apples fresh for longer is by isolating them, wrapping them in newspaper. This is because they have the ability to accelerate the ripening of any fruit they come into contact with.

mela Gala


The Gala apple has a red skin with vertical stripes. The skin is rather thick and resistant to impacts. The flesh is granular, firm, and crisp with a sweet taste. This type of apple is available almost all year round.

mela Opal


The Opal apple is a variety of apple with a crisp and juicy flesh, with a sweet and delicate flavor. It has a round shape and a yellow-green skin with red streaks, which makes it very attractive and appetizing.

mela Renette Grigia di Torriana

Gray Renetta of Torriana

It is produced in Piedmont, specifically in the municipalities of Barge, Bagnolo, and Cavour. The adjective "gray" refers to the appearance of the skin, which is completely russeted. It has a flattened shape and the flesh is acidic.

mela Renette Grigia di Torriana

Gray Renetta of Torriana

It is produced in Piedmont, specifically in the municipalities of Barge, Bagnolo, and Cavour. The adjective "gray" refers to the appearance of the skin, which is completely russeted. It has a flattened shape and the flesh is acidic.

mela Runse


The Runse apple has smooth skin with a reddish wine color; the flesh is white-cream with pink hues. When tasted, it is juicy with a tangy and highly aromatic flavor.

mela Golden


This variety of apple has a round shape, golden-yellow skin, crisp and juicy flesh, slightly acidic taste, and is rich in fructose. It is the most widespread and well-known apple variety.

mela Crimson


The Crimson apple is a crisp and juicy variety with red skin and white flesh that strikes the right balance between sweetness and acidity.

mela Magnana


A variety of apples typical of the Piedmont region. The flesh of the Magnana apple is white, juicy, and sweet, with a delicate and aromatic flavor. It is considered a symbol of the Piedmont territory due to its unique organoleptic characteristics that distinguish it from other apple varieties.

mela Dalinette


This type of apple has a crisp, juicy, and highly aromatic flesh, with a red skin with yellow and green streaks.

mela Pinova


It takes its name from the combination of the words "pine" and "nova." The Pinova apple is rich in nutrients, including vitamins, antioxidants, and fiber, making it a healthy and delicious choice for those seeking a balanced diet.




Cherry trees are closely associated with legends about lovers. In fact, they were the sacred plants of Venus, the goddess of love and beauty. Cherries contain mineral salts, vitamins, and iron. The juice is useful in case of anemia and helps strengthen the immune system.
Curiosity: In Northern Europe, it was believed that cherry trees hosted elves and deities that protected the fields. On the other hand, in Japan, it is said that the flowers turned from white to pink because fallen samurai warriors were buried beneath them in battle.



When one thinks of May, one cannot help but think of strawberries. There are different types, although the most common and popular one is the red strawberry; however, you can also find the white strawberry with a taste reminiscent of pineapple. Strawberries are a concentrate of vitamin C, as well as being rich in oxidants and fibres; moreover, being composed of 90% water, they are able to hydrate the body.
Curiosity: In Belgium, there is the ‘Musée de la fraise’ where enthusiasts can discover the characteristics of strawberries and their history.




The ramassin is a small plum variety, typical of south-western Piedmont. It is an energising fruit, recommended in cases of anaemia and asthenia. Thanks to the pulp that easily detaches from the stone and the low water content, it is particularly suitable for making jam.
Curiosity: These plums are harvested using large nets placed under the rows of vines at the beginning of the ripening stage; by gently shaking the plants, the fruits that have reached the right degree of ripeness fall off and naturally form pockets in the nets.



Consumed since prehistoric times, pears are still recommended during the weaning of infants. Being rich in fructose and minerals, they are suitable for those who engage in sports. Compared to other fruits, pears are more calorific, but they are beneficial for strengthening the immune system, bone health, and heart health. There are over five thousand pear cultivars in the market, but the Williams pear is the most well-known and appreciated.
Curiosity: Pear juice, boiled with honey, helps fight throat inflammation and the flu.



Although apricots originate from China, it was Alexander the Great who discovered the goodness of these fruits in Armenia. Apricots help with anemia or fatigue during seasonal changes; they contain a good amount of iron, thanks to the presence of vitamin C.
Curiosity: In England, apricots are also used to produce a sweet wine called "apricot wine."



Yellow or white, freestone or clingstone, flat or nectarine, peaches remain one of the most loved and consumed fruits of summer. Rich in potassium, this fruit has diuretic properties and promotes the functioning of the liver and kidneys. It also has purifying and digestive properties.
Curiosity: The discovery of the peach tree is attributed to the curiosity of a fisherman. Finding a strange pit in the belly of a fish he had just caught, he decided to plant it near his hut. A plant grew, covered in beautiful pink flowers in spring. The fruit it produced was then called a peach, in homage to the origin of its discovery.



Plums are an ancient fruit, introduced to Europe about 20,000 years ago from the territories of Eurasia and North America. They are cultivated worldwide. Plums are a source of manganese, vitamin E, and vitamin K. Moreover, they have antioxidant, laxative, and purifying properties.
Curiosity: In China, unmarried girls count the remaining ripe plums on the tree to calculate when a groom will come for them too.




Blueberries are valuable berries known since ancient times for their numerous nutritional properties. They are a fruit rich in vitamins and minerals and are also recommended as a natural supplement. They contain zinc, copper, iron, and, in high percentages, calcium and potassium, which are essential for the well-being of hair, teeth, and the skeletal system.
Curiosity: In Italy, blueberries cultivation is predominantly carried out at the family level. Hand-picking slows down the commercialization of blueberries, which is why they generally have a rather high cost.




The history of the kiwi began in 1904 when a handful of seeds from China arrived in New Zealand and adapted well to the new continent, leading to intensive cultivation. Kiwi is the fruit with the highest nutritional density: it covers 100% of the daily requirement for vitamin C and is rich in fiber, has a low glycemic index, and a good content of antioxidants.
Curiosity: Did you know that kiwi slows down the aging process?

kiwi Gold


Gold kiwis have a characteristic intense yellow color, juicy and fresh pulp, and smooth skin without the typical roughness of green kiwis.

kiwi Hayward


Hayward kiwis are the classic green-coloured kiwi fruit, with a rough skin to the touch and the inside has seeds and an unmistakable green colour.



The raspberry is a small fruit with a round or elongated shape, a deep red colour and a characteristic sweet-sour flavour. It is highly valued for its intense flavour and soft texture, which make it a versatile ingredient in the kitchen for the preparation of desserts, jams, ice cream, juices and many other dishes.
Curiosity: the raspberry, unlike many other fruits, does not continue to ripen after being detached from its own plant. So, in case you have some at hand, remember to pick the fruit only at the right time.